Integrate Angular into Spring Boot using Gradle

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Angular Project Settings Gradle Properties Spring Boot Project Build App Testing Angular Spring Boot Integration Source Code Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate Angular into Spring Boot using Gradle build tool. So, let’s say you have two different projects – Angular application and Spring Boot application and you do not…

How To Create Angular Project In Existing Folder

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Angular App In Existing Folder Introduction In this example I am going to tell you how to create Angular project in existing folder. So, when you create a new Angular application using ng new angular-app command, where angular-app is the application’s or project’s name, then a new folder angular-app gets created. What if you need…

Angular Okta SSO Role Based Access

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup Install okta-auth-js Service Auth Service Token Service Auth Guard Components Implementing Okta Auth Role Based Access Environment Variables App Modules Routing Module Token Service Auth Service Auth Guard Expired Component Unauthorized Component Login Component App Component Dashboard Component Protected Component Update Page Testing Okta SSO Role Based Access Source Code Introduction In this…

Redirect To Context Path For 404 Error In Angular Spring Boot

Table of Contents Introduction Why Does 404 Error Occur Solution Introduction Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to redirect to context path for 404 error in Angular Spring Boot application. Context path basically is the same path for home page or root URL. It is assumed that your frontend application is built using Angular and…

How To Setup Multiple Environments For Angular Applications

Introduction Here I am going to tell you how to setup multiple environments for Angular applications. Multiple environments are required for your Angular application when you want to ensure the stability and integrity of the application when it goes live on the production environment where your application’s end users access it. Your application’s development workspace should be different from your…

HTML Script Integrity Attribute – SubRresource Integrity (SRI)

What is integrity attribute? You might have seen the integrity attribute as well as crossorigin attribute in web page source code. The integrity and crossorigin attributes are used in the <script> and <link> tags. This is also called subresource integrity because it is included into the third party resources which are parts of the HTML pages. An integrity attribute’s value…

Angular Spring Boot REST API CRUD Example

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to build Spring Boot Angular CRUD Application. CRUD is an acronym and stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations performed through an application or APIs. Using Spring Boot application I will build REST APIs which will be used to perform CRUD operations on server side resources. The Angular…

Angular Okta SSO (Single Sign On) with PKCE

Introduction Here I am going to show you how to build an application using Angular for authenticating a user using Okta SSO (Single Sign On) with PKCE. Okta is an enterprise level identity provider that helps you to enable Single Sign-On across applications within an enterprise. Angular is a single page application (SPA) and it is recommended that you use…

Codeigniter 4 AJAX MySQL Multiple Rows Deletion

Multiple Rows Deletion Here I am going to build an example on how to select multiple rows from HTML table and delete these multiple selected table rows from MySQL database using CodeIgniter 4 with the help of AJAX technique in jQuery. In this tutorial I am going to fetch all records from the MySQL database and displaying on an HTML…

Angular Spring Boot Security JWT Authentication And Authorization

Introduction In this post you will see an example about Angular Spring Boot Security JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and role based Authorization for REST APIs or RESTful services. I won’t explain here about JWT as there is already very good article on JWT. I will implement Spring Security’s UserDetailsService to load user from database. I will use Spring Data JPA…