Understanding Run-Time Data Areas in Java Vitual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) defines various run-time data areas that are used during execution of a program. Some of these data areas are created on Java Virtual Machine start-up and are destroyed only when the Java Virtual Machine exits. Other data areas are per thread. Per-thread data areas are created when a thread is created and destroyed when the…

Python Flask Login and Logout Example

Introduction The tutorial, Python login and logout example will show you how to login and logout a user using session in Python 3. You may need users to authenticate/authorize using credentials when there are protected areas in web application. For example, you need to authenticate when you are accessing your savings account details using netbanking. Prerequisites Python 3.6.6 – 3.9.5,…

Java Vitual Machine

Java Virtual Machine also known as JVM, is a cornerstone of Java platform. It is important platform to execute your Java applications. The first prototype implementation of JVM was created at Sun Microsystems. It was emulated in software hosted by a handled device called Personal Digital Assistant(PDA). Oracle’s current implementations emulate the JVM on mobile, desktop and server devices.

How To Read Last n Lines From A File In PHP

Introduction Here you will see how to read last n lines from a file in PHP, where n could be replaced by any positive integer number, such as, 1, 2, 5, 10 etc. Generally most of the times you may use to read the file in forward direction, i.e., from the beginning of the file and apply some business processing…

Spring Boot + Angular Functional Reactive Programming Example

Introduction This tutorial is about Spring Boot + Angular Functional Reactive Programming Example that will show you how you will create REST APIs using Spring Boot Functional Reactive Programming and consume these server side REST APIs using Angular Reactive Programming. We have seen in our example on Spring Boot Functional Reactive Programming, which you must go through first in order…

Spring Boot Functional Reactive Programming Example

Reactive Programming This tutorial will show you an example on Spring Boot Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Related Posts: What are Reactive and Functional Reactive Programming? Reactive programming is a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change. In other words, Reactive Programming is a style of micro-architecture involving intelligent routing and consumption of events, all combining…

Python REST APIs + Flask + Angular CRUD Example

Flask Angular CRUD Here you will see Python REST APIs + Flask + Angular CRUD Example. I will use the existing tutorial on Python REST API CRUD Example using Flask and MySQL for server side and I will introduce Angular on UI (user Interface) or front-end side. So go through the mentioned tutorial before proceeding further down. Recommended reading: Python web application CRUD…

How to create HTTP Server in Java to serve Static Resources

HTTP Server Here I will show you how to create HTTP server in Java to serve static resources using sun’s HttpServer. An HTTP Server is bound to an IP address and port number and listens for incoming requests and returns responses to clients. Simple http server is flexible to be added into complex projects for rendering HTML elements or serving as…

Bootstrap Calendar Events Demo Using Codeigniter

Calendar The example, Bootstrap Calendar Events Demo using Codeigniter 3, will show you how you can show different events set by users on a calendar. It helps users to track easily what all upcoming events are or past events were there by navigating through the calendar dates. Bootstrap Calendar is a reusable jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create an…

Spring Boot + ReactJS CRUD Example

Introduction Here you will see tutorial on Spring Boot + ReactJS Example. The backend application is built using Spring Boot framework that exposes RESTful APIs for performing CRUD operations. You might have seen many examples of Spring MVC web application application using JSP as a front-end technology but here I will use React JS as a front-end technology to build…