Tic-tac-toe game using React JS

In this tutorial you will see how to build Tic-tac-toe (tic tac toe) game using React or React JS web framework. React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. You may read more about tic-tac-toe game at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe. You may also read tic tac toe using Java here https://roytuts.com/tic-tac-toe-game-using-java/

Calculate Future Or Past Date In Java

Introduction This tutorial will show you how you can calculate future or past date in Java. The calculation is done on future date from a particular date to “plus a number of given days” or past date from a particular date to “minus a number of given days”. Future or past date calculation may be required for various purposes such…

Spring Boot Activiti – Process Engine Configuration

We have seen in our previous tutorial Spring boot activiti example how Business Process Management works using Activiti framework. In my previous tutorial I have used the default behavior of the process engine. In this tutorial I will show you how you can bootstrap the process engine using Spring JavaConfig to create our own spring boot activity process engine configuration. You can…

Save Files to MySQL using PHP

I have shown file upload example using PHP in previous tutorials PHP file upload but in this tutorial I will show you how to save the uploaded files to MySQL database using PHP. You may be wonder why you would need to save file content into database rather than just into the file system. In situations where PHP application needs to put…

Spring Drools Integration Example

Introduction This tutorial is about Spring drools integration example and will show you how to define business rules in drools (.drl) file that could be understood by non-technical people as well. What is Drools? Drools is a business rule management system with a forward-chaining and backward-chaining inference based rules engine, allowing fast and reliable evaluation of business rules and complex…

PHP Multiple Files Upload Example

Multiple Files Upload PHP multiple files upload example will show you how to upload multiple files using PHP and AJAX using jQuery. In this example the files are selected using the browse buttons and files are uploaded to the uploads directory under project’s root directory. Make sure uploads directory exists under your project’s root folder. PHP script stores the files…

Messaging With STOMP Over WebSockets using Spring Angular ActiveMQ

Web Socket I will create push notify messaging with STOMP over WebSockets using Spring and ActiveMQ. You might have seen similar tutorial at link WebSockets Using Spring Boot And Angular, but I used in-memory message broker but here I will use external message broker – ActiveMQ. I will use Angular for building front end or UI where message will be…

Using arguments to a Unix Shell Script

Introduction This tutorial will show you an example on using arguments to a unix shell script or programming. Here we will create a shell script file for showing the example. The advantage of using urguments is you can pass the value dynamically as per the requirements. You don’t need to edit the shell script file everytime you pass the different…

Generating stubs from multiple WSDL files using Maven or Gradle

Introduction In this post we will see an example on generating stubs from multiple QSDL files using Maven or Gradle plugin. Let’s say, you are given a WSDL file and you want to generate Java class from it, then you need to do some configurations in your maven or gradle project to automate the activities. You can also generate using…

Creating Menu in Unix Shell Programming

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to create menu in Unix Shell Programming. You know that menu gives user options to perform tasks smoothly because without menu user may not be able to understand what to do when a user has to choose an operation from multiple options.