Junit 5 Test Report Using SonarQube Jacoco Gradle

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup The Junit 5 Test Class Generating Test Reports Scanning Project with Sonar Source Code Introduction In this Spring Boot based application I am going to show you how to generate Junit 5 test report using SonarQube Jacoco gradle build tool. You need to generate such test reports to ensure that your source code…

Junit Code Coverage using Gradle, Jacoco

For your Java application you need to check the code coverage of your Junit test classes. Code coverage ensures your code quality for the Junit test cases you have written for your functionalities of the application. Here I am going to show you how you can use Jacoco plugin to test the coverage. Currently it supports instruction, branch, line, method…

Junit Code Coverage with Jacoco

Introduction In this post I will show you how to work with Junit code coverage with JaCoCo code coverage library, which is quite a new maven plug-in that provides the JaCoCo runtime agent to your tests and allows basic report creation. Currently it supports instruction, branch, line, method and class coverage which is pretty enough you can expect from this…