Spring Data JPA Entity Auditing Using EntityListeners

JPA Entity Auditing The tutorial Spring Data JPA Entity Auditing using EntityListeners will show you how you persist the audit log using JPA’s built-in functionality. Spring Data  JPA provides sophisticated support to transparently keep track of who created or changed an entity and at what time. To benefit from this functionality you have to equip your entity classes with auditing metadata…

Java application and database backup

In the world of web it is important to take backup of our site and database frequently. We don’t know when we’d come accross unexpected error which causes our site stop working. Here I have developed an application in Java, Servlet and JSP which will help you to take backup as per your wish whenever you want to take backup….

ValueChangeListener example in JSF 2

Introduction This tutorial shows how to use ValueChangeListener to create dependent dropdown in JSF 2 and MySQL. I have used here JSF 2’s valueChangeListener which fires value change event when select option dropdown gets changed. Any component that receives user input, such as one of the HTML select or text input components, can publish value change events. The dependent dropdowns…