Work With IN, OUT And INOUT Parameters In Stored Procedures Using Spring Data JPA

IN, OUT, INOUT Params In this tutorial I will show you how to work with IN, OUT and INOUT parameters in Stored Procedure using Spring Data JPA. I will also call a stored procedure having no parameter at all. I am going to use MySQL server, so there may be some limitations on MySQL server or there may be some…

Call Stored Procedure Using Spring StoredProcedure

Stored Procedure This tutorial will show you how you can call stored procedure using Spring StoredProcedure. I assume you have a basic idea about stored procedure and what a stored procedure does and what are the advantages of using stored procedure in database server. Related Posts: Sometimes you may need to call a stored procedure while a single SQL statement…

Call Stored Procedure using Spring SimpleJdbcCall

Simple Jdbc Call This tutorial will show you how you can call or execute stored procedure using Spring SimpleJdbcCall. SimpleJdbcCall API provides flexible methods to invoke stored procedure. You can use DataSource directly with SimpleJdbcCall or you can create JdbcTemplate using DataSource and use JdbcTemplate with SimpleJdbcCall API for calling the stored procedures. You can also use RowMapper or BeanProprtyMapper…