Installing MySQL 8 Zip Archive in Windows

MySQL In this tutorial you will see here how to install MySQL zip archive in Windows operating system. I will download MySQL community version for showing this example. You will also see how to connect to MySQL server using default user root. The advantage of installing zip archive version of MySQL server is that later if you find this server…

Installing Zip Version Of MongoDB In Windows

MongoDB Here I will tell you how to install zip version of MongoDB in Windows environment. I will install here MongoDB Community edition. If you want to install MongoDB msi version then you can read Step 4 at I will download latest MongoDB server and configure in Windows environment.

MySQL query to find number of employees under manager

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to find the number of employees under manager. Generally employees and managers both are employees of an organization. But according to the experience level seniority some employees in the organization become manager, lead, etc. Therefore the junior employees are going to report the senior employees. This example will show you…

MySQL query to find out all employees even when an employee is not tagged to any department

This tutorial will show how to list all employees even when an employee is not tagged to any department.

MySQL query to find managers who are having minimum number of employees under them

This tutorial will show how to find the managers who are having specified minimum number of employees working under them.

MySQL procedure to split a column into rows using a delimiter

Suppose, there is a table called sometbl and has the following data into it. CREATE TABLE sometbl ( ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(50) ); INSERT INTO sometbl VALUES (1, ‘Smith’), (2, ‘Julio|Jones|Falcons’), (3, ‘White|Snow’), (4, ‘Paint|It|Red’), (5, ‘Green|Lantern’), (6, ‘Brown|bag’); Therefore for (2), example rows would look like >> “3, white”, “3, Snow” …

MySQL Function to Capitalize the First Letter of Words in a String

The below MySQL function will show how to capitalize first letter of each word in a string.

MySQL error – Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’

If you get an error message like this: Access denied for user: ‘username@localhost’ (Using password: YES) then the problem is that user can not access the database. This can have several causes: First of all, you use the correct name and password of your MySQL user for connecting to your database. Secondly, make sure the your database user has the…

MySQL Event Scheduler

This tutorial will show you how we can use MySQL Event Scheduler to schedule or automate some tasks periodically at a particular interval. MySQL Events are tasks that run according to a schedule. Therefore, it is sometimes referred to as scheduled events. When we create an event, we are creating a named database object containing one or more SQL statements…

Find Full Path For Nested Categories In MySQL

Path For Nested Categories This tutorial shows how to find the entire or full path from root to child for nested categories and subcategories. Let’s say you have a table in database server in such a way that it contains an unlimited level of categories and you have another column in the same table which should contain the entire path…