Send Bulk Emails Using Java

Introduction This tutorial shows how do you send bulk emails at once. This tutorial uses one method sendEmail(), which takes only one parameter – MimeMessage. This email sending example can be used to send different types of messages, such as, text, html, etc. Even you can send file attachements using this example.

Bidirectional One-To-One Relationship on Primary Key in Hibernate

In bidirectional association, we will have navigation in both direction, i.e, both side of the association will have the reference to the other side. The both side of the association will implement one of the collection interfaces, if it has the reference to the other entity. In one to one relationship, one source object can have relationship with only one…

Bidirectional One-To-One Relationship on Foreign Key in Hibernate

In bidirectional association, we will have navigation in both directions, i.e, both side of the association will have the reference to the other side. The both side of the association will implement one of the collection interfaces, if it has the reference to the other entity. In one to one relationship, one source object can have relationship with only one…

JMS Client using JBoss 7 – Publish/Subscribe Messaging

This example will take you through step by step on practical implementation how you can configure a JMS Client using JBoss Application Server 7.1.1. I won’t discuss theoretical part here but if you need to know JMS related various keywords then you can go through the tutorial at Publish/Subscribe Messaging System In a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging system, clients address…

JMS Client using JBoss 7 – Point-To-Point Messaging

This example will take you through step by step on practical implementation how you can configure a JMS Client using JBoss Application Server 7.1.1. I won’t discuss theoretical part here but if you need to know JMS related various keywords then you can go through the tutorial at In point-to-point messaging system there are only one sender(sends message) and…

Unidirectional One-To-One Relationship on Primary Key in Hibernate

In unidirectional association, we will have navigation only in one direction, i.e, only one side of the association will have the reference to the other side. In one to one relationship, one source object can have relationship with only one target object. Let’s consider CD and Artist. So one CD can be written by one Artist or an Artist can…

Unidirectional One-To-One Relashionship on Foreign Key in Hibernate

In unidirectional association, we will have navigation only in one direction, i.e, only one side of the association will have the reference to the other side. In one to one relationship, one source object can have relationship with only one target object. Let’s consider CD and Artist. So one CD can be written by one Artist or only one Artist…

File-To-String transformer in Mule ESB

What is Mule ESB ? Mule ESB is a lightweight Java-based enterprise service bus (ESB) and integration platform that allows developers to connect applications together quickly and easily, enabling them to exchange data. Mule ESB enables easy integration of existing systems, regardless of the different technologies that the applications use, including JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, and more. This example…

Simple Spring Batch Example

What is Spring Batch In this tutorial I will show you how Spring Batch works by an example. The example will import data from a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file and transform with custom code and finally saves the result into another CSV file. Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework designed to enable the development of robust batch…

Spring Data JPA Bidirectional Many-To-One/One-To-Many Relationship

Introduction In bidirectional association, you will have navigations in both direction, i.e, both side of the association will have the reference to the other side. The both side of the association will implement one of the collection interfaces, if it has the reference to the other entity. In many-to-one/one-to-many relationship, multiple source objects can have relationship with same target object or…