JSF 2 javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException

Introduction JSF 2 javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException that arises due to the click on a link or button when session gets expired. This tutorial will show you how we can deal with ViewExpiredException or view expired exception and we will show a meaningful message to the user with a link which will take him/her to the appropriate page instead of showing such technical…

Codeigniter Multiple Files Upload

I am going to show you how to upload multiple files using PHP based Codeigniter framework. There is file upload class, in Codeigniter, which permits you to upload the file or files. This class also permits you to set various preferences such as destination where the file will be uploaded, restriction on file types, restriction on file size, whether a…

Bookmark web page using Codeigniter and jQuery

Introduction This tutorial shows how to bookmark a current URL. We have already built-in functionality in most of the browsers and we can bookmark a URL there but it’s also like you have to go to the menu option. The below code do the same thing just in one click on the web page. User is given a link to…

Send Any File using SOAP Webservice

Introduction This tutorial shows how we can send file using SOAP based webservice. The type of the file can be anything, i.e., text, image, pdf, MS doc etc. For this type of application we need to create two applications – one will work as a client application(which sends a file) and other one will work as a server application(which receives…

Username Availability Check using PHP, AJAX and MySQL

Introduction This tutorial shows how to check username availability using PHP, AJAX and MySQL. Sometimes you need to check username availability instantly before a user presses the submit button after filling a long-sized signup form. In this case you can use AJAX with any technologies like PHP, CodeIgniter, Servlet, Struts, JSF, Spring, etc. for checking whether the input username is…

Allow Only Numeric Values or Digits in a TextBox using JavaScript or jQuery

Introduction The example – allow only numeric values or digits in a textbox using javascript or jquery – shows how to accept only numbers or digits in a textbox or input field using JavaScript or jQuery. Sometimes you need to accept only numbers for a textbox or input field instead of validating the value in the textbox or input field….

Codeigniter XChart Example

Introduction We know that xchart basically displays different statistical data on different chart types such as column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie chart etc. You can have a look at the URL http://tenxer.github.io/xcharts/ for more information. You can integrate xchart with any server side tehnology but here I will show you how to integrate xchart with Codeigniter framework. This…

Java application and database backup

In the world of web it is important to take backup of our site and database frequently. We don’t know when we’d come accross unexpected error which causes our site stop working. Here I have developed an application in Java, Servlet and JSP which will help you to take backup as per your wish whenever you want to take backup….

JSF 2 Internationalization example

This tutorial JSF 2 internationalization example shows how you make an web based application in different languages. I will show here how you can switch in different languages like Bengali, Hindi, English, Dutch and French. You don’t need to change the language settings from the browser for switching to different languages. I have given user an option to choose a…

Time Ago or Time To Go function in php

Introduction Time ago or time to go function in PHP shows how to display how much time already passed or how much time to go for a given date time. Generally you want to implement this kind of functionality in many scenarios like someone has posted comment on your blog, tutorial, product or article then you want to show how…