Securing REST API: Python Flask HTTP Basic Authentication

Introduction We will see an example on how to secure REST API using Python Flask. We will create a Python Flask HTTP Basic Authentication. Most of the web services that require authentication accept HTTP Basic Authentication. This is the simplest one, and request supports it straight out of the box. This HTTP basic authentication is not recommended as it is…

Can We Override Static Method in Java?

We will discuss here whether we can override static method in Java or not.

Query Parameter in REST API: GET Request with Python Flask

Introduction I will create an example on how to use query parameter in REST API GET request with Python Flask. HTTP GET method is used to fetch data from the server. So here I will use GET method to fetch data from server and send to the client. Query parameter is used with GET method to fetch data from server…

How To Call File Upload REST API Using Postman

Introduction Here I will show you how to call file upload REST API using Postman. Postman is a very popular REST client tool which is used to test your REST services. It is also used to test your REST service which uploads a single file or multiple files to remote server. There are other REST client extensions in Chrome and…

What is Class.forName() in Java

The Class.forName() in Java or java.lang.Class.forName(String className) method returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the given string name.

What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java?

The purpose of garbage collection in Java is to identify and discard objects that are no longer needed by a program so that their resources can be reclaimed and reused later.

Show Data on Google Pie Chart using Python Flask

Google Pie Chart I will show data on Google pie chart using Python Flask API. I will show some static data on Google chart API using Flask web application. The data are built in a dictionary format using Python API and I will display data on chart by rendering the Flask template. Pie charts are generally used to show percentage…

Creating ZIP for Dependencies using Maven Assembly Plugin

Introduction This post is about creating zip for dependencies using maven assembly plugin. Sometimes you may need to create a zip from your application with dependencies only, i.e., to include only the jar libraries which are being used for your application. Then this tutorial will help you to understand how to create such zip file for jar libraries. Generally this…

Local Class in Java

Local class or classes in Java are defined in a block, which is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces. We typically find local classes defined in the body of a method. We can define a local class in Java inside any block. In this example we will create a local class to validate email address using…

Find Start And End Index Of A Given Element In A Sorted Array

Introduction Here I will find start and end index of a given element in a sorted array using Java programming language. So it means in the sorted array I have to find the start and end indices of a particular element. The array may also contain duplicate elements. Let’s say a sorted array is given with the elements in it…