How to create Photo Gallery with Django

Introduction Here I will show you how to create photo gallery with Django. Django is a Python based framework used to build complete web applications. Photo gallery also known as image gallery, media gallery or photo album is used to manage your photos. You can view the images one by one from a list of images in a gallery. You…

Working with media files in Django templates

Introduction This tutorial will show you working with media files in Python based Django templates. Media files, such as, images, videos etc. are frequently loaded into your web application as these files improve end users’ experience. Note that static resources or files and media files are two different things. Media files are generally uploaded by users for explaining a certain…

Working with static resources in Django templates

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to work with static resources in Django templates. Static resources, such as, css (Cascading Style Sheet), images, js (JavaScript) are frequently required to include in our web application as these resources increase look and feel and to handle any events of the web pages. Django provides django.contrib.staticfiles to help you manage…