Online Visitor Tracking System using CodeIgniter 4, MySQL 8 and AJAX

In this tutorial I am going to show you how you can build an online visitor tracking system using PHP based framework CodeIgniter 4, MySQL 8 and AJAX technique. The similar system for tracking online visitors on web site, I built in past, using CodeIgniter 3 framework. As a web site owner you would like to the progress to the…

Python Client for Apache Kafka Producer and Consumer

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to use Python client to work with Apache kafka distributed stream processing system. I will create Kafka producer and consumer examples using Python language. KafkaConsumer is a high-level message consumer that consumes records from a kafka cluster. The consumer is not thread safe and should not be shared across…

Event Driven Streaming using Spring Cloud Stream and Apache Kafka

In this tutorial we will see an example of event driven streaming using Spring Cloud Stream and Apache Kafka streaming platform. How do we deal with some events, such as, a new user has registered to a portal, an order was placed, a file has been uploaded etc? Let’s say when an order was placed then we need a call…

Server Sent Events with Spring – Push Notifications

Push Notification I am going to show you an example on how to build an app to send push notifications using Spring’s server sent events (SSE) API. You might have seen a popular choice for sending real time data from server to client in web application is using WebSocket in my previous tutorials Messaging with STOMP over WebSockets using Spring,…

Tic-tac-toe game using React JS

In this tutorial you will see how to build Tic-tac-toe (tic tac toe) game using React or React JS web framework. React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. You may read more about tic-tac-toe game at You may also read tic tac toe using Java here

ValueChangeListener example in JSF 2

Introduction This tutorial shows how to use ValueChangeListener to create dependent dropdown in JSF 2 and MySQL. I have used here JSF 2’s valueChangeListener which fires value change event when select option dropdown gets changed. Any component that receives user input, such as one of the HTML select or text input components, can publish value change events. The dependent dropdowns…