HttpsUrlConnection REST API Call – Auth Token And Proxy Server

Introduction In this example I am going to show you how to call REST APIs using So, I am using plain Java code to send or receive data to or from the REST APIs. I am also going to show you how to send authentication token in the HTTP header. I am also going to show you how to use…

Spring Boot Application Over HTTPS

Introduction In this example I am going to show you how to start your spring boot application on HTTPS protocol. HTTPS is a secured protocol, whereas HTTP is unsecured protocol. So the data passed over the network using HTTPS protocol are generally encrypted data. The application which I am going to build is in the local environment and for this…

AJAX Technique Example Using JavaScript

AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript And XML This tutorial shows an example on AJAX using JavaScript. AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. Therefore it is not a technology, but a technique which is implemented using JavaScript. Here I will show you how to use AJAX technique in simple way without using jquery or any other framework….