Why PermGen Space was removed from Java 8

Introduction We will discuss here why PermGen space was removed from Java 8. If you specify the JVM arguments PermSize and MaxPermSize then these arguments are ignored by Java HotSpot and JVM issues warnings. The warning may look like “Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0”. PermGen Space and Metaspace The PermGen or…

What is Optional.get() in Java?

Introduction I will discuss here what is Optional.get() in Java. Optional is a class and get() is a method in this class. Java 8 was a huge improvement to the platform and one of the new features was added Optional.get(). So using this feature you are telling that a value may or may not be available or present in the…

String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder

Introduction We will discuss on String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder here. Basically we will find the differences between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder.

ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError in Java

Introduction I will show an example on ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError. ClassNotFoundException is an exception whereas, NoClassDefFoundError is an error. I will discuss the difference between ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError with examples.