Custom Jackson Joda DateTime Deserializer

This tutorial shows how to deserialize date format when unmarshaling JSON using Jackson. The custom annotation will be created in order to pass the date format using annotation.

Custom Jackson Joda DateTime Serializer

This tutorial shows how to serialize date format when marshaling JSON using Jackson. The custom annotation will be created in order to pass the date format using annotation.

Check a given date is first day of month using Joda API

Introduction In this post, I will show you how to check whether a given date is first day of the month using Joda API. Joda API is a date time API which provides useful methods for data and time management in Java applications.

Conversion of Joda Date Time to SQL Timestamp and Vice Versa

Introduction This tutorial shows how you can convert joda date time to SQL timestamp or vice versa. Java’s standard date and time classes (mainly java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar) have limited functionality and have a number of design problems. The fact that many of constructors and methods of java.util.Date are deprecated. Joda Time has a better thought out API than what is…

Usage of Joda Date Time API

This tutorial shows how we can use joda date time API. Java’s standard date and time classes (mainly java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar) have limited functionality and have a number of design problems. The fact that many of constructors and methods of java.util.Date are deprecated. Joda Time has a better thought out API than what is available in Java’s date and time…