Java 8 : Iterate Map And Add To List

Here I will show you how to iterate Map in Java 8 and add element to List. I came across a situation where I required to fetch data from a HashMap and add it to an ArrayList. So I will show you here how to iterate a Map and form an object and finally add it to the List using…

Collect and Convert Objects using Lambda Expression in Java 8 or Later Version

Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how you are going to collect and convert objects using lambda expression in Java 8 stream API. I will collect objects and map to another custom objects using Java 8 stream API with the help of Lambda Expression. Suppose you have entity classes generated from your database tables and after fetching data…

Java 8 Stream API

Introduction In this tutorial I will explain about Java’s new API called stream, which was introduced in Java 8 and included in package The stream API supports functional-style operations on collection of elements or stream of elements in a collection.

Java forEach Example Using Lambda Expression

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to use Java 8 forEach() loop to iterate Collection using Lambda Expression. Prior to Java 8 or JDK 8, the for loop was used as a for-each style but in Java 8 the inclusion of forEach() loop simplifies the iteration process in mainly one line.

Java Lambda Expressions

Introduction When implementation of anonymous class is very simple, for example, an interface contains only one method, then the syntax of anonymous classes may seem unclear. In this situation the functionality is passed as an argument to another method to perform an action, for example, when someone clicks on a button. Lambda expressions enable to treat functionality as a method…