MongoDB Aggregation Operations

You are not going to always return records from MongoDB but sometimes you need to perform some computations such as sum, count, average, etc. Here you need the aggregation operations which are used to process data that return the computed results. Therefore aggregation actually groups data from multiple documents and performs a variety of operations on the grouped data to…

MongoDB find() method with Projection

You may not want to fetch a whole bunch of data from the document which is stored in a collection in your MongoDB database. You can restrict the number of records or data using different conditions with the help of WHERE, AND, OR and IN operators, but what if you want to restrict the data you want in your particular…

How to query documents – WHERE, AND, OR, IN conditions in MongoDB

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database where data are stored in the form of documents. You can also create tables in traditional way to put your structured data but the main purpose is to store unstructured data in the form of object which may vary based on a particular requirement. Now when you select data from collection,…

How to make output of MongoDB’s find() readable in shell

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database where your data are stored in a collection. To quickly access your data from MongoDB you can execute commands on MongoDB shell and your results appear based on the given criteria. One of the commands is find() function and using this command you can easily retrieve data from MongoDB collection. When…

Installing Zip Version Of MongoDB In Windows

MongoDB Here I will tell you how to install zip version of MongoDB in Windows environment. I will install here MongoDB Community edition. If you want to install MongoDB msi version then you can read Step 4 at I will download latest MongoDB server and configure in Windows environment.