Spring Boot Thymeleaf jQuery MultiSteps Form

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup MySQL Table DataSource Config Entity Class Repository Interface Service Class Spring Web Controller Spring Boot Main Class UI (User Interface) Testing Multi Steps Form Source Code Introduction In this example I am going to show you how to build multisteps form using Spring Boot thymeleaf jquery. Multi steps form is required when users…

Python Flask Multi-Step Registration Form With MySQL jQuery

Multi-Step Registration Form You will see an example on Python Flask multi-step registration form with MySQL, jQuery. Sometimes you may need to capture lots of user details during registration process and as a result a user gets a long form on web page. So the best solution is to break the form into smaller logical section and present it into…

Multi-Step Registration Form Using Codeigniter, MySQL, jQuery

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Directory MySQL Table Configuring Autoload Configuring Database Model Class Controller Class View File Configuring Route Testing Multi Step Form Source Code Introduction Here you will see example on multi-step registration form using Codeigniter 3, MySQL, jQuery. Here I will insert data into database using multi-step registration step. Sometimes you may need to capture lots…