Spring RabbitMQ Routing Example

Table of Contents Introduction Direct Exchange Prerequisites Project Setup Application Properties Configuration Sender Receiver Spring Boot Main Class Testing RabbitMQ Routing Application Source Code Introduction In this Spring RabbitMQ Routing example I am going to show you how to route messages to particular subscribers. Therefore, all receivers are not going to receive all messages, but a subset of messages. A…

Spring Boot RabbitMQ Publish Subscribe Example

Table of Contents Introduction Exchanges Prerequisites Project Setup Sender Receiver Exchange Name Configurations Spring Boot Main Class Testing Rabbitmq Publish Subscribe Source Code Introduction Here I am going to build an example about publish subscribe model using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ message broker. In publish subscribe model the messages will be delivered to multiple consumers. In this example I am…

Spring Boot RabbitMQ Work Queues Example

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Application Properties Producer Consumer Configuration Spring Boot Main Class Testing Work Queues Task Queues Source Code Introduction Here in this example I am going to show you how to build work queues or task queues using Spring Boot framework and RabbitMQ broker. Work queues are used to distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple workers. The idea…

Spring Boot RabbitMQ Producer Consumer Example

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup Application Properties Producer Consumer Configuration Spring Boot RabbitMQ Main Class Testing Producer Consumer Application Source Code Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to build producer consumer example using Spring Boot and RabbitMQ. This is also called point-to-point messaging model as there are only one producer or sender and only one…

Redirect To Context Path For 404 Error In Angular Spring Boot

Table of Contents Introduction Why Does 404 Error Occur Solution Introduction Here in this tutorial I am going to show you how to redirect to context path for 404 error in Angular Spring Boot application. Context path basically is the same path for home page or root URL. It is assumed that your frontend application is built using Angular and…

Spring RestTemplate With Auth Token, Proxy and Timeout

Introduction Here I am going to tell you how to use proxy server and timeout with Spring Boot RestTemplate API. If you are running your application behind a proxy server then you need to connect to REST API through proxy server and without proxy server connection you may face connection timeout error or other errors. Remember if you are behind the proxy…

Angular Spring Boot REST API CRUD Example

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to build Spring Boot Angular CRUD Application. CRUD is an acronym and stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations performed through an application or APIs. Using Spring Boot application I will build REST APIs which will be used to perform CRUD operations on server side resources. The Angular…

Angular Spring Boot Security JWT Authentication And Authorization

Introduction In this post you will see an example about Angular Spring Boot Security JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and role based Authorization for REST APIs or RESTful services. I won’t explain here about JWT as there is already very good article on JWT. I will implement Spring Security’s UserDetailsService to load user from database. I will use Spring Data JPA…

Bootstrap AJAX Spring Boot Pagination

Introduction In this tutorial I will use Spring Data JPA Pageable to build REST API for pagination in Spring Boot applications. Here, I am going to show you how to build pagination using Bootstrap jQuery – AJAX with Spring Boot applications. Using jQuery – AJAX, you don’t need to load or fetch all records from server side, and you are…

Bulk Delete Using Spring JPA CriteriaDelete

Criteria Delete The new feature bulk delete operation in Criteria API was added in JPA 2.1. I will show you an example how to perform bulk delete using Spring JPA CriteriaDelete. The CriteriaDelete interface can be used to implement bulk delete operations. Delete operations performed through CriteriaDelete interface are directly mapped to database delete operations. Hence the persistent context is…