Create Empty Files For Existing Files In Windows

Empty File

Here in this example I am going to show you how to create empty files in Windows system using command line tool. This will reduce your manual efforts for creating empty files for a corresponding list of files in a directory.

When there is a requirement for processing a list of files from a folder or directory and this requires that you need to have empty files for the corresponding files and without those empty files your corresponding files will not be processed from a particular directory, in such scenario you need to create empty files. And it is always better to run a command for creating so many empty files instead of creating them manually.

To create an empty file in Windows using command line tool you can use the command format echo .> filename.extension. So to create an empty test.txt file, you can execute the command echo .> test.txt.

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Print Names of Files

If you need to know what all files are available in a particular directory or folder, you can use the following command to display the names of a directory using the command line tool (CLI).

for /r %i in (*) do echo %i

The above command will display all files with their full path in the command line tool.

Create Empty Files

I have shown above how to display files from a particular folder using the loop. Here in the similar way I will loop through all files in a particular directory and create empty files for the corresponding files available in the directory.

for /r %i in (*) do echo .> %i.extension

The above command you generally need to execute in a directory where you want to create empty files for a list of files.

Hope you got an idea how to create empty files in Windows environment.

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