Sticky footer at bottom using CSS and HTML

I am going to show you how to create sticky footer. In other words, this tutorial demonstrates how to keep the footer at the bottom of the page on short documents or pages with little content using CSS and HTML.

Show Warning Message to User When Session Expires

Introduction In this post we will see how to show warning message to user when session expires in a web application. So we will redirect user to login page once session has expired. We know that we let users login to the web application before a user can perform some sensitive activities like online transactions, updating user’s profile etc. So…

Prevent user going back to login page if already logged in using filters

In this article I am going to show you how to prevent user going back to the login page if a user is already logged in or redirect a user to the login page if the user is not already logged in. When browser caches the resources then clicking on the browser’s back button will take a user to the…

Prevent Browser From Caching Resources Using Servlet Filter

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to tell you how you can prevent cache in browser using Servlet in web applications. Sometimes you may need to clear the browser cache or prevent the browser from caching resources so that users always get the latest output from the server. Disabling caching of web pages ensures resources are coming every time…

How To Send Email From Localhost With XAMPP And Mercury32 In Windows

Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Install XAMPP Configure XAMPP for Sending Email Setup Email Clients Setup Microsoft Outlook Express Sending Email using Outlook Setup eM Client Sending Email using eM Client Introduction Many of you tried to send mail from localhost for testing some functionality in the website like User Registration, Password Activation etc. in the local or development environment…

Infinite Dynamic Multi-Level Nested Category With PHP And MySQL

Introduction I am going to show you how to build infinite dynamic multi level nested category with PHP and MySQL server. Here I will show example of infinite level of categories and subcategories on the fly from a MySQL database. So I am going to give an example on infinite multi level nested category with PHP and MySQL. Related Posts:…

More File Upload Button Attachment Dynamically Using jQuery

Attach Buttons Dynamically Here is an example on more file upload button attachment dynamically using jQuery. This example will allow you to attach more file upload button dynamically. The technology I will use here to attach more file upload button using JavaScript and jQuery. Note that this example will not show you how to upload file or files. This is…

Cache static resources like css, js and images for a specific time period

Introduction In this post we will see how to cache static resources like css, js and images for a specific period of time. So we will specify the time for how long we want to cache such static resources. Static resources like css, js images etc. need not be reloaded from the server every time until and unless we want…

How to configure GeSHi(Generic Syntax Highlighter) in Joomla 3

This tutorial shows how to configure GeSHi in Joomla 3. GeSHi is known as Generic Syntax Highlighter. We configure GeSHi to highlight the source code in tutorials in order to enhance the experience of user’s readability. Highlighting the source code in tutorials also enhance the beautification of the tutorials. First download and install the plugin from here. After installation the plugin…

Create An Effective Pagination In PHP And MySQL

This tutorial shows how to create effective pagination in PHP and MySQL. When there are lots of data need to be shown on a page then the data grows at the bottom of the page hence the scroll appears. Most of the times it becomes very irritating to go to the bottom so pagination comes to rescue. Using pagination the…