Reload Changes in Flask Web App Without Server Restart

Introduction In this example I am going to show how your application can reload changes without server restart in Flask applications in development environment. Situations may occur when you need to speed up your development works without having to worry about restarting the server for every change in the piece of code in your application. Flask development server provides such…

How To Setup Python Based Django Framework In Windows

Django In this example I am going to show you how to configure Python based Django in Windows Operating System. The current version of Django, at the time of writing, I am using here is 3.0.8 and later updated to version 4.2.5. Here I am going to show you how to install latest version of Django in Windows 64 bit…

Working with Parent and Child Templates in Flask

Introduction I will discuss here how to work with parent and child templates in flask framework. In other words it is said template (Jinja) inheritance. So I will create a base or parent template which child template or pages will extend to include the common functionalities instead of repeating common functionalities into every page you need to use for your…

Python Flask Login and Logout Example

Introduction The tutorial, Python login and logout example will show you how to login and logout a user using session in Python 3. You may need users to authenticate/authorize using credentials when there are protected areas in web application. For example, you need to authenticate when you are accessing your savings account details using netbanking. Prerequisites Python 3.6.6 – 3.9.5,…