Generate Stacked Bar Chart Or Column Chart In Excel Using Apache POI

Stacked Bar/Column Chart In this tutorial I will show you how to create stacked bar chart or column chart in excel file using Java based Apache POI library. I will also show you how to build this application using both maven and gradle build tools. This is a standalone application and you can use this concept of stacked bar chart…

Generate Bar Chart Or Column Chart In Excel Using Apache POI

Bar or Column Chart In this example, you will see how to generate bar chart or column chart in excel file using Apache POI library in Java. I will show you how to build this application using both maven and gradle tools. This is a standalone application and you can use this concept of bar chart or column chart generation…

How to generate Pie Chart in Excel using Apache POI

Introduction In this example we will see how to generate pie chart in excel file using Apache POI library in Java. I will show you how to build this application using both maven and gradle tools. This is a standalone application and you can use this concept of pie chart generation in any Java based application. In this example we…

How To Exclude Junit Tests Using Gradle Or Maven In Java Applications

Introduction Here in this tutorial I will tell you how to exclude Junit test cases from build automation in Java applications. It’s not about skipping test cases but it’s about excluding test cases for a particular package. Situations may arise when you want to exclude some Junit test cases from running in some environments (for example, uat, prod, etc.) while…

How to configure Junit 5 using Maven and Gradle in Eclipse

Introduction Here I will show you how to configure Junit 5 using maven and Gradle in Eclipse. To get started with Junit 5, you need at least a single TestEngine implementation, for example, junit-jupiter-engine. We will show here both maven and gradle version dependencies for Junit 5. This TestEngine will pull in all the required dependencies. Among those dependencies is…

How to use Google Protocol Buffers in Java to serialize structured Data

Introduction In this guide we will see how to use Google protocol buffers in Java to serialize structured data. I will show you both using gradle and maven build tools. You may choose any programming language from a variety of languages such as Java, C++, C#, Go, Dart, Python to serialize your data using Google protocol buffers. What are Google…

How to use Lombok in Java to reduce Boilerplate Code

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to use lombok in Java based projects or applications to reduce boilerplate code. Lombok is a Java library that automatically provides getters/setters or equals method in your Java class. Just by placing an annotation your class has a fully featured builder, it automates your logging variables, and much more. You can also…

Find out how many times each character is showing up in a string

Introduction Here we will create a simple example to count each character to find out how many times each character repeats in the string. A string can have unique characters as well repeated characters. A string can also have only unique characters in it. Let’s say, you are given a string input, for example, “Hello World!”. Your output should be,…

How to find Prime Numbers using Java Programming Language

Introduction In this example we will see how to find prime numbers using Java programming language between 1 and 1000. We will also use Java 8 IntStream API to find prime numbers. We will actually compute prime number between given ranges, let’s say from i to n. So you can replace the starting (i) and ending (n) ranges. A number…

How to detect and delete empty or blank rows from excel file using Apache POI in Java

Introduction In this guide I will show you how to detect and delete empty rows from excel file using Apache POI in Java. I will see also how to read and write excel file using Apache POI. If you have few cells or columns in a row then you can deal with those empty cells but if you have entire…