Search an Element in Array

How to find element? This example will show you how to search an element in an Array using C program. Finding an element in an array is straight forward. You need to loop through the array elements and compare each element with the given or target element. If the element is found, an index of the element is returned otherwise…

JMS Message Persistence Example

Software applications that use Java Messaging Service (JMS) are required to ensure the reliable delivery of message between clients. Message persistency in JMS API provides a way to ensure this. By default message will persist until the consumer consumes it even on message broker restart. JMS API provides two delivery modes for message delivery: Persistent delivery mode Non-Persistent delivery mode….

Creating Durable Subscription in JMS using ActiveMQ

In this tutorial I will show you how to create durable subscribers using ActiveMQ in JMS. I am going to discuss how JMS API ensures reliable messaging by Creating Durable Subscriptions. I will show you how to build application using both Maven and Gradle build tools. A Publish/Subscribe messaging domain is useless, if subscriber is not active while publisher is…

JMS Concepts – Persistent and Durable

I will tell you here what are Persistent and Durable and where these two words are applicable because these two words sometimes cause confusion to the users of JMS providers. Generally, Persistent is applicable to messages while Durable is applicable to subscriptions.

Create archive or zip using PHP

In this example, I will explain how to create a zip file of multiple files using PHP. Create below function to create a zip file from multiple files.

Add images to Word document using Apache POI

Introduction Add images to word document using apache poi will show you how to insert or add images into a Word document using Apache POI API. I will create here a Java based application to add images to word document using apache poi library. Using apache poi library is very easy to add images into word document. I am going…

Create Table in Word document using Apache POI

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to create Table in Word document using Apache POI API. Table is great representation when you have to display data in tabular format because table consists of rows and columns for displaying data uniformly. I will use both Apache POI 3.x and 4.x version to make the example works. I will…

Create Header and Footer in Word document using Apache POI

Introduction In this tutorial I will show you how to create Header and Footer in Word document using Apache POI API. Apache POI library is Java based API that makes our life easier to manipulate date on Microsoft office Documents. I will create here a Java application to create header and footer in word document using apache poi library. A…

Create a Word document using Apache POI

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a word document using apache poi or write to a word document using apache poi API. Microsoft word document is a great tool to document your stuff. This example is tested on both 3.15 and 4.1.1 versions of Apache POI library. I am also going to show you how to…

Enable Hidden Administrator Account in Microsoft Windows

This tutorial will show you how to enable hidden Administrator account in Microsoft Windows Operating System. Sometimes when you want to troubleshoot any problem occurred in Windows you might need to be an Administrator and when you do not find any Admin account you try to create another but before creating another Admin account you may find whether the Admin…