Angular Spring Boot REST API CRUD Example

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to build Spring Boot Angular CRUD Application. CRUD is an acronym and stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations performed through an application or APIs. Using Spring Boot application I will build REST APIs which will be used to perform CRUD operations on server side resources. The Angular…

CodeIgniter 4 REST API, MySQL and Angular 10 CRUD Example

I am going to show you an example on Angular CodeIgniter 4 REST API MySQL CRUD. CRUD is an acronym and stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations. REST or RESTful is a Representational State Transfer which defines an architectural style in software engineering. The REST API works on HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The Angular framework will be used…

Angular Check/Uncheck Individual/All Checkbox On HTML Table Rows

Introduction Here I will create an example on how to check/uncheck individual/all checkbox on HTML table rows. You might have seen how to display data from server using Angular and alternate row color using CSS. I will put checkbox against each row on the table so that user will be able to select a particular row. I will also put…

Display Data On HTML Table From Server Using Angular And Alternate Row Color

Introduction In this tutorial I am going to show you how to display data from server using Angular 9 and how to apply two different colors on alternate rows using css (cascading style sheet). I will use Spring Boot REST API to send data on client side and consume using client side technology Angular 9. I will use ngIf, else,…

Spring Boot Security Angular Login Logout Example

Angular Spring Security Here I will create Spring Boot Security Angular Login Logout Example which will show you how to integrate Spring Security with Angular to login to the application. I will redirect user to the login page if user is not already logged in. Similarly I will redirect user to the home page if user is already logged in….

Angular + CodeIgniter File Upload Example

Introduction Angular + CodeIgniter file upload example will show here how to upload a file to server. Here CodeIgniter will be responsible for storing the file into a server location and Angular will be used on UI side to interact with end users, who will browse and select a file for uploading. We will create CodeIgniter REST API and will…

AngularJS Codeigniter REST CRUD Example

In this Codeigniter AngularJS CRUD example, we will see the integration of AngularJS with Codeigniter REST. We are going to create CRUD application using Codeigniter REST API on server side and AngularJS is encapsulated within PHP file on client side. Thus the client will communicate with server asynchronously using AngularJS $http service. Please read the following tutorials before reading this…

AngularJS PHP REST CRUD Example

In this tutorial we will see the integration of AngularJS with PHP REST. We are going to create CRUD application using PHP REST API on server side and AngularJS is encapsulated within html file on client side. Thus the client will communicate with server asynchronously using AngularJS $http service. Please read REST API CRUD Example in PHP, MySQL for server…